Vet Nurses seeking work

These advertisers are seeking work in the Veterinary and Animal Care industries. Employers are welcome to contact job seekers directly.

No Vet Nurses Currently Seeking Work

Kookaburra Veterinary Employment reserves the right to edit or omit any advertisement at our discretion. We take no responsibility for the accuracy of any advertisement shown and will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising under any circumstances.

Vet Nurses should make sure that they are registered to practice in the UK, and have a valid work permit.

We offer a FREE advertising service for Vet Nurses and other lay staff seeking work. If you would like to place an advert, please email your advert to and request that we post your ad on the Vet Nurses page. Please include full contact details.
Ensure that you spell check your advert prior to sending it  to us - adverts not spell checked will not be published.

Ads are placed for 2 months and renewed on request.